For so long I lived my life for other people. I lived for the love and approval of parents, teachers, peers. I even lived for people I didn’t even really know: absentee parents, crushes, potential employers, social media followers.
My greatest gift in this lifetime is that I help others heal by healing myself. I am currently working on letting go of unreasonable expectations and labels. I’m in the process of dying to a part of myself that no longer quite fits and making space for something new to be born. Not exactly sure of what that birth is, but whether it’s career, an actual birth, or a new way of being, I am here for it.
These few weeks of vacation have enabled me to deepen my connection with bennemtin and free up some head space to get excited about the gifts I have and how I want to share them with the world. But most importantly it was a great reminder that I am living my life for me only and no one else. I’m the one experiencing each moment and taking in each breath.
And if living for the moment means exploring a city on a bike in a little red dress and my gen z ankle socks then so be it!
Dress: rixo
Socks: amazon
Sneaks: onitsukatigerus
Bag: jill_sander_official
BOWIE ♥️ styled by #humansofrixo
BOWIE ♥️ styled by #humansofrixo
#iconsofrixo @ashleyellenhoward wearing our mini BOWIE ♥️♥️ a perfect date night holiday look 👀🌴
#iconsofrixo @ashleyellenhoward wearing our mini BOWIE ♥️♥️ a perfect date night holiday look 👀🌴
#iconsofrixo @ashleyellenhoward wearing our mini BOWIE ♥️♥️ a perfect date night holiday look 👀🌴
We know you love a mini ♥️ our NEW BOWIE dress is perfect for parties or warm days #humansofrixo
We know you love a mini ♥️ our NEW BOWIE dress is perfect for parties or warm days #humansofrixo
rixo advertorial shot in Sicily 🌞
Thank you laurenalexwright luisafalco ❤️
Photographer: Paul Perelka paulperelka
Model: Chloe Borges _chloeborges
MUA: Federica Patellaro federicapatellaro_mua